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Was Olive Grove Medical formerly Clark Family Medicine?Yes, we are now called Olive Grove Medical, but we do have the same staff and services.
Is this the medical office that will pray with patients?Yes, our providers and staff are willing to pray with patients who desire prayer.
What payment methods do you accept?Currently we take Cash, Check, or Mastercard/Visa Credit Cards.
Which insurers are affiliated with Olive Grove Medical?Olive Grove Medical is non-affiliated with any insurers/HMOs/hospitals at this time, so it is advantageous for you to maintain a physician-patient relationship with a primary care physician in your insurance network or a physician who has hospital-admitting privileges. You can seek out your regular network physician when you need ongoing primary care follow-up, and when you need extensive testing, hospitalization, or have “more serious” conditions (disability determinations, chronic pain management, chronic nervous conditions, etc.). Serious conditions are best treated by specialists.
Does Olive Grove Medical accept Medicare?Yes, if you have Medicare Part B, we can bill Medicare for your visit. If you have an Advantage Plan, we cannot bill Medicare. With your Medicare Part B only, you will pay for the office visit when you are here, and then we will bill Medicare. Medicare will send any reimbursement directly to you. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, we will not be able to bill Medicare, and you will pay for your visit at the time of your visit, and your charges will not be reimbursable.
Does Olive Grove Medical offer discounts to Christian healthcare co-ops, such as Samaritan Ministries, Medi-Share, Liberty HealthShare, etc. ?Yes, we give a $10 discount to Christian healthcare co-ops. Please mention this at the time of your visit to receive discount.
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