I recently read an article by an owner of a car dealership in Georgia. He felt that he was being led by God to go deeper and give God all that he had. He assumed that God wanted him to leave the auto business and go into full-time church ministry. As he pursued this further, the Lord showed him that he already was in full-time ministry as he served people in his auto business; the Lord showed him that he wanted to make some changes in how he did business so that it would have more of an eternal kingdom impact. “I did not have to leave the marketplace to carry out Jesus’ command to go and make disciples…Christian business people who are committed to God will begin to understand how to leverage their business or job for eternal impact.” (Chris Patton, “Business Sense”, MinistryToday magazine, Nov/Dec 2016, pp. 60-62).
I love it! Go change the world for Jesus today through your work – you are in full-time ministry right where you are!
