I recently read an article about Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone (Tomorrow’s World, Nov-Dec 2016, pp. 8-9). He made scientific contributions in many fields, including aeronautics. His family background (his mother was deaf and his father was a speech therapist) deeply influenced his research interests. Today, we have the miracle of the telephone as a result.
Bell had a strong work ethic. Like any inventor, he had failures and missteps. But he kept moving forward. He is credited with saying, “When one door closes another opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us.” He also said, “In scientific researches, there are no unsuccessful experiments; every experiment contains a lesson.” He was persistent, diligent, optimistic, and desired to bless humanity with God-given discoveries.
The Lord recently whispered in my spirit, “Your breakthrough is often right under your nose.” God gives us the desires of our hearts (as we delight in Him), Psalms 37:4. Like Alexander Graham Bell, look to God and at what is right under your nose – He may show you a miraculous discovery that will change the world for Jesus. That is kingdom healthcare that transforms societies and nations. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,” Ecclesiastes 9:10. Delight in Him – He delights in you. Spend quality time in His presence and see what amazing things He may show you. Your destiny may be right under your nose.
