I enjoy reading the latest updates on the science of sleep. Many recent studies are showing the benefits of getting 7-8 hours of sleep, including helping to maintain normal weight, prevent diabetes, improve memory, and possibly help prevent the brain decline of dementia.
I’ve often wondered if the benefits of sleep are only realized if a person sleeps 7-8 continuous hours or if napping during the day can be counted (I hope so – I nap when given the chance 🙂 ). I am also a regular evening napper in front of the TV. A recent study (http://www.worldhealth.net/news/scientific-basis-benefits-napping) seems to indicate that napping appears to produce similar health benefits!
One thing is for sure – God can help a person get the good quality sleep needed for good health. Psalm 127:2 says, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows, for so He gives His beloved sleep.”
